Market Potential Index (MPI) is calculated using robust research methodology. MPI is an aid for marketer to arrive at a district prioritization for purposes ranging from market entry to product launch. MPI is given for 630 districts for rural, urban and total market separately. The higher the MPI, the higher is the market prioritization.
Agriculture related information and no of HH
Population, HH & Banking services
Demographics & Educational &Commercial Premises
Demographics, HH, Agricultural , Vehicles & Commercial Premises
Demographics and information on users of telecom services
Households with size, Social and Commercial Premises
Demographics, HH & Educational and Relevant Commercial Premises
Households and Mediaownership
Demographics and Basic Amenities
Demographics, Media, Availability of Necessary Facilities
Demographics, Social & Social and Commercial Premises
Demographics and Commercial Organizations
Educational Institutions
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) Government of India